1U-48P Feed-Thru
ClassEa/C6A/C6 Chann.
SP48KMCA High-Density Feed-Through
The concept of "Feed-Thru" involves using RJ-45 connections on both ends, providing a straightforward interconnection method. However, it’s important to recognize a critical aspect of this design: the junction where the plug engages with RJ-45 contacts. This specific point in time and space is where impedance mismatches are most likely to arise, potentially impacting performance.
That’s where HCI’s SP48KMCA steps in. Built to handle these trouble spots, it smooths out those mismatched connections, so you don’t have to worry about performance dips. By addressing impedance inconsistencies, it guarantees seamless connections without sacrificing performance. Let us guide you through the technical ingenuity behind this solution.